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Get college football recruiting team rankings information.


cfbd_recruiting_team(year = NULL, team = NULL)



(Integer optional): Recruiting Class Year, 4 digit format (YYYY). Note: 2000 is the minimum value


(String optional): Team - Select a valid team, D1 football


cfbd_recruiting_team() - A data frame with 4 variables:

year: integer.

Recruiting class year.

rank: integer.

Team Recruiting rank.

team: character.

Recruiting Team.

points: character.

Team talent points.


# \donttest{
  try(cfbd_recruiting_team(2018, team = "Texas"))
#> ── Recruiting team rankings from ───── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-09-10 01:24:09 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>    year  rank team  points
#>   <int> <int> <chr> <chr> 
#> 1  2018     3 Texas 300.06

  try(cfbd_recruiting_team(2016, team = "Virginia"))
#> ── Recruiting team rankings from ───── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-09-10 01:24:09 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>    year  rank team     points
#>   <int> <int> <chr>    <chr> 
#> 1  2016    63 Virginia 164.95

  try(cfbd_recruiting_team(2016, team = "Texas A&M"))
#> ── Recruiting team rankings from ───── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-09-10 01:24:09 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>    year  rank team      points
#>   <int> <int> <chr>     <chr> 
#> 1  2016    18 Texas A&M 238.94

#> ── Recruiting team rankings from ───── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-09-10 01:24:09 UTC
#> # A tibble: 137 × 4
#>     year  rank team          points
#>    <int> <int> <chr>         <chr> 
#>  1  2011     1 Alabama       298.50
#>  2  2011     2 Florida State 297.03
#>  3  2011     3 USC           286.99
#>  4  2011     4 Texas         284.05
#>  5  2011     5 Auburn        281.02
#>  6  2011     6 Ohio State    278.47
#>  7  2011     7 Georgia       278.18
#>  8  2011     8 LSU           272.65
#>  9  2011     9 Notre Dame    271.38
#> 10  2011    10 Clemson       269.69
#> # ℹ 127 more rows
# }