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Get game media information (TV, radio, etc).


  week = NULL,
  season_type = "both",
  team = NULL,
  conference = NULL,
  media_type = NULL,
  division = "fbs"



(Integer required): Year, 4 digit format (YYYY)


(Integer optional): Week, values from 1-15, 1-14 for seasons pre-playoff (i.e. 2013 or earlier)


(String default both): Select Season Type, regular, postseason, or both


(String optional): D-I Team


(String optional): Conference abbreviation - Select a valid FBS conference Conference abbreviations P5: ACC, B12, B1G, SEC, PAC Conference abbreviations G5 and FBS Independents: CUSA, MAC, MWC, Ind, SBC, AAC


(String optional): Media type filter: tv, radio, web, ppv, or mobile


(String optional): Division abbreviation - Select a valid division: fbs/fcs/ii/iii


cfbd_game_media() - A data frame with 13 variables:

game_id: integer.

Referencing game id.

season: integer.

Season of the game.

week: integer.

Game week.

season_type: character.

Season type of the game.

start_time: character.

Game start time.

is_start_time_tbd: logical.

TRUE/FALSE flag for if the start time is still to be determined.

home_team: character.

Home team of the game.

home_conference: character.

Conference of the home team.

away_team: character.

Away team of the game.

away_conference: character.

Conference of the away team.

tv: list.

TV broadcast networks.

radio: logical.

Radio broadcast networks.

web: list.

Web viewing platforms carrying the game.


# \donttest{
  try(cfbd_game_media(2019, week = 4, conference = "ACC"))
#> ── Game media data from ────────────── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-09-10 01:23:06 UTC
#> # A tibble: 10 × 13
#>      game_id season  week season_type start_time     is_start_time_tbd home_team
#>        <int>  <int> <int> <chr>       <chr>          <lgl>             <chr>    
#>  1 401112457   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T19… NA                Florida …
#>  2 401112464   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T16… FALSE             Wake For…
#>  3 401112462   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T16… NA                Syracuse 
#>  4 401112459   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T19… NA                North Ca…
#>  5 401112463   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T23… NA                Virginia 
#>  6 401112265   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T16… NA                Rutgers  
#>  7 401112460   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T23… NA                NC State 
#>  8 401112461   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T19… NA                Pittsbur…
#>  9 401112458   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T20… NA                Miami    
#> 10 401112456   2019     4 regular     2019-09-21T23… NA                Clemson  
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: home_conference <chr>, away_team <chr>,
#> #   away_conference <chr>, tv <list>, radio <lgl>, web <list>
# }