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Get list of NFL draft picks


  year = NULL,
  nfl_team = NULL,
  college = NULL,
  conference = NULL,
  position = NULL



(Integer required): NFL draft class, 4 digit format (YYYY)


(String): NFL drafting team, see cfbd_draft_teams() for valid selections.


(String): NFL draftee college team, see cfbd_team_info() for valid selections.


(String): NFL draftee college team conference, see cfbd_conferences() for valid selections.


(String): NFL position abbreviation, see cfbd_draft_positions() for valid selections.


cfbd_draft_picks() - A data frame with 23 variables:

college_athlete_id: integer.

College athlete referencing id.

nfl_athlete_id: integer

NFL athlete referencing id.

college_id: integer

College team referencing id.

college_team: character

College team name.

college_conference: character

Conference of college team.

nfl_team: character

NFL team name of drafted player.

year: integer.

NFL draft class year.

overall: integer.

Overall draft pick number.

round: integer.

Round of NFL draft the draftee was picked in.

pick: integer.

Pick number of the NFL draftee within the round they were picked in.

name: character.

NFL draftee name.

position: character.

NFL draftee position.

height: double.

NFL draftee height.

weight: integer.

NFL draftee weight.

pre_draft_ranking: integer

Pre-draft ranking (ESPN).

pre_draft_position_ranking: integer.

Pre-draft position ranking (ESPN).

pre_draft_grade: double.

Pre-draft scouts grade (ESPN).

hometown_info_city: character.

Hometown of the NFL draftee.

hometown_info_state_province: character.

Hometown state of the NFL draftee.

hometown_info_country: character.

Hometown country of the NFL draftee.

hometown_info_latitude: character.

Hometown latitude of the NFL draftee.

hometown_info_longitude: character.

Hometown longitude of the NFL draftee.

hometown_info_county_fips: character.

Hometown FIPS code of the NFL draftee.


# \donttest{
  try(cfbd_draft_picks(year = 2020))
#> ── NFL draft data from ─────────────── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-02-01 16:00:31 UTC
#> # A tibble: 255 × 23
#>    college_athlete_id nfl_athlete_id college_id college_team college_conference
#>                 <int>          <int>      <int> <chr>        <chr>             
#>  1            3915511         104204         99 LSU          SEC               
#>  2            4241986         104097        194 Ohio State   Big Ten           
#>  3            4241984         104096        194 Ohio State   Big Ten           
#>  4            4259566         104112         61 Georgia      SEC               
#>  5            4241479         104093        333 Alabama      SEC               
#>  6            4038941         104099       2483 Oregon       Pac-12            
#>  7            4035495         104098          2 Auburn       SEC               
#>  8            4035462         104106        228 Clemson      ACC               
#>  9            4240596         104104         57 Florida      SEC               
#> 10            4241482         104425        333 Alabama      SEC               
#> # ℹ 245 more rows
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: nfl_team <chr>, year <int>, overall <int>, round <int>,
#> #   pick <int>, name <chr>, position <chr>, height <int>, weight <int>,
#> #   pre_draft_ranking <int>, pre_draft_position_ranking <int>,
#> #   pre_draft_grade <int>, hometown_info_city <chr>, hometown_info_state <chr>,
#> #   hometown_info_country <chr>, hometown_info_latitude <chr>,
#> #   hometown_info_longitude <chr>, hometown_info_county_fips <chr>

  try(cfbd_draft_picks(year = 2016, position = "PK"))
#> ── NFL draft data from ─────────────── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
#>  Data updated: 2024-02-01 16:00:31 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1 × 23
#>   college_athlete_id nfl_athlete_id college_id college_team  college_conference
#>                <int>          <int>      <int> <chr>         <chr>             
#> 1             535422          50410         52 Florida State ACC               
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: nfl_team <chr>, year <int>, overall <int>, round <int>,
#> #   pick <int>, name <chr>, position <chr>, height <int>, weight <int>,
#> #   pre_draft_ranking <int>, pre_draft_position_ranking <int>,
#> #   pre_draft_grade <int>, hometown_info_city <chr>, hometown_info_state <chr>,
#> #   hometown_info_country <chr>, hometown_info_latitude <chr>,
#> #   hometown_info_longitude <chr>, hometown_info_county_fips <chr>
# }