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Load and Install Packages

if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){
pacman::p_load(dplyr,tidyr, gt)
## Warning in p_install_gh(package, dependencies = dependencies, ...): The following may have incorrect capitalization specification:
## cfbfastR

Get game information

df_2018_wk_1 <- cfbfastR::cfbd_game_info(year=2018, week = 1)
df_2018_wk_7_ind <- cfbfastR::cfbd_game_info(year=2018, week = 7, conference = "Ind")
line_scores <- cfbfastR::cfbd_game_info(year=2018, week = 13, team = "Texas A&M", quarter_scores = TRUE)

Get calendar weeks and dates


Find game broadcast and media information

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_media(2019, week = 4, conference = "ACC")

Get CFBD Advanced Game Box Scores (by game_id)

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_box_advanced(game_id = 401114233)

Get CFBD Game Team Box Scores

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_team_stats(2019, team = "LSU")
## ── Team stats data from ────────────── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
##  Data updated: 2024-02-01 16:02:57 UTC
## # A tibble: 13 × 78
##      game_id school conference home_away opponent     opponent_conference points
##        <int> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <chr>        <chr>                <int>
##  1 401132981 LSU    SEC        home      Georgia      SEC                     37
##  2 401110859 LSU    SEC        home      Arkansas     SEC                     56
##  3 401110869 LSU    SEC        home      Texas A&M    SEC                     50
##  4 401110828 LSU    SEC        away      Mississippi… SEC                     36
##  5 401110778 LSU    SEC        away      Texas        Big 12                  45
##  6 401110819 LSU    SEC        home      Florida      SEC                     42
##  7 401110850 LSU    SEC        away      Ole Miss     SEC                     58
##  8 401110805 LSU    SEC        away      Vanderbilt   SEC                     66
##  9 401110833 LSU    SEC        home      Auburn       SEC                     23
## 10 401110813 LSU    SEC        home      Utah State   Mountain West           42
## 11 401110725 LSU    SEC        home      Georgia Sou… Sun Belt                55
## 12 401110842 LSU    SEC        away      Alabama      SEC                     46
## 13 401110790 LSU    SEC        home      Northwester… Southland               65
## # ℹ 71 more variables: total_yards <chr>, net_passing_yards <chr>,
## #   completion_attempts <chr>, passing_tds <chr>, yards_per_pass <chr>,
## #   passes_intercepted <chr>, interception_yards <chr>, interception_tds <chr>,
## #   rushing_attempts <chr>, rushing_yards <chr>, rush_tds <chr>,
## #   yards_per_rush_attempt <chr>, first_downs <chr>, third_down_eff <chr>,
## #   fourth_down_eff <chr>, punt_returns <chr>, punt_return_yards <chr>,
## #   punt_return_tds <chr>, kick_return_yards <chr>, kick_return_tds <chr>, …
cfbfastR::cfbd_game_team_stats(2013, team = "Florida State")
## ── Team stats data from ────────────── cfbfastR 1.9.5 ──
##  Data updated: 2024-02-01 16:02:58 UTC
## # A tibble: 13 × 78
##      game_id school     conference home_away opponent opponent_conference points
##        <int> <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     <chr>    <chr>                <int>
##  1 332450221 Florida S… ACC        away      Pittsbu… ACC                     41
##  2 332570052 Florida S… ACC        home      Nevada   Mountain West           62
##  3 332710103 Florida S… ACC        away      Boston … ACC                     48
##  4 332640052 Florida S… ACC        home      Bethune… MEAC                    54
##  5 332780052 Florida S… ACC        home      Maryland ACC                     63
##  6 332920228 Florida S… ACC        away      Clemson  ACC                     51
##  7 332990052 Florida S… ACC        home      NC State ACC                     49
##  8 333270052 Florida S… ACC        home      Idaho    FBS Independents        80
##  9 333060052 Florida S… ACC        home      Miami    ACC                     41
## 10 333130154 Florida S… ACC        away      Wake Fo… ACC                     59
## 11 333340057 Florida S… ACC        away      Florida  SEC                     37
## 12 333410052 Florida S… ACC        home      Duke     ACC                     45
## 13 333200052 Florida S… ACC        home      Syracuse ACC                     59
## # ℹ 71 more variables: total_yards <chr>, net_passing_yards <chr>,
## #   completion_attempts <chr>, passing_tds <chr>, yards_per_pass <chr>,
## #   passes_intercepted <chr>, interception_yards <chr>, interception_tds <chr>,
## #   rushing_attempts <chr>, rushing_yards <chr>, rush_tds <chr>,
## #   yards_per_rush_attempt <chr>, first_downs <chr>, third_down_eff <chr>,
## #   fourth_down_eff <chr>, punt_returns <chr>, punt_return_yards <chr>,
## #   punt_return_tds <chr>, kick_return_yards <chr>, kick_return_tds <chr>, …

Get CFBD Game Player Box Scores

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_player_stats(2018, week = 15, conference = "Ind")

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_player_stats(2013, week = 1, team = "Florida State", category = "passing")

Get CFBD Team Game Records

cfbfastR::cfbd_game_records(2018, team = "Notre Dame")
cfbfastR::cfbd_game_records(2013, team = "Florida State")